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gain mastery是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gain mastery


1.But we are confident that we will gain mastery over the situation, and inflation will be contained over a period of time.但我们有信心,我们会控制局面,在一段时间后遏制通货膨胀。

2.To gain mastery of your own time, you sometimes need to sacrifice now for gains in the future.为了得到充足的时间,有时你需要牺牲现在来获得将来。

3.How did you ever expect to gain mastery of Spanish from an old Romanian man?首先,你怎么能将掌握西班牙语这件事寄希望于一个罗马尼亚老人呢?

4.The Policy Chosen by Medium and Small Commercial Banks to Gain Mastery In Marketing中小商业银行市场营销的制胜之策
